Join us for an Online Webinar! The last session is scheduled for 9/19 at 4:00 pm EST via Zoom. It will introduce you to an exciting opportunity for your students, options for both Culinary and Hospitality students who wish to experience their passions through a very structured cultural exchange in Italy.
ZOOM INFORMATION: Click JOIN below - Meeting ID: 463 093 3126 - Passcode: P9EQ31
Featuring: Chef Michael Carmel CEC, CCE, Department Head Culinary Institute of Charleston at Trident Technical College, SC.
With 20 students from his program, Chef Carmel came to Italy to participate in our 18-day culinary study abroad course.
During the Webinar, Chef Carmel will share his and the students' experiences about the itinerary, flexibility options, accommodations, transportation, cooking classes, and activities, as well as costs. You will also hear about how they were able to defer student costs to make the trip more affordable. Suggestions on how to tie the trip to various courses to allow students to obtain financial aid will be covered.
This 18-day travel and immersion program is an unbelievable opportunity for students; many alumni have called it life-changing. We hope you can join us to hear more about the program's specifics and perhaps open a new window into the future for your students!
Please complete the RSVP form before joining the Online Webinar Session of your choice.​